Monday, August 20, 2007

MORE meds?

Craig says go back to the med-shrink, you aren't doing well. I go to the med-shrink. I'm not doing so good, I tell the med-shrink. Med-shrink says you are on alot of meds and you can't go higher on any of them. Do you have pain, he asks. What does this have to do with not doing well? Yes, I have pain. Okay, take this new med and come back in 2 weeks.


I am on so many meds that I think I single-handedly keep the pharmacy in business! Wellbutrin, Seroquel, Xanax, Clonzipan(sp?), Invega, Lyrica, Levoxyl, Propanol (sp?), Maxalt, Promethacin, Albuterol Inhaler, Naproxen, Tramadol, Vicoden, Percocet... I think I'm missing a couple. Obviously the last 7 are PRN and the last 3 are mutually exclusive and rarely used. But still.... come on!! SIX different psych meds?! Six different kinds of pain meds depending on the location and intensity of the pain? I feel like a hazardous waste dump site.

Oh blah!

Wonder what would happen if I suddenly refused to take any medications of any kind...?

Not really. Been there, done that, in the hospital after the OD. No sleep, lots of hallucinations, really wacky thinking... Don't want to go there again!