Friday, August 17, 2007

And the world spins round and round

Kid-4 has his glasses. It's going to take him a while to get used to them. He keeps looking over them or under them. He looks okay in them, but I must say, I think there could have been better frames, lenses a little wider might have looked better. But, he is, as always, simply adorable and I make sure to tell him that at every opportunity. At this point his POV is that he *gets* to wear glasses, not that he *has* to, and I intend to keep it that way.

Kid-3 and I had a thoroughly awful time yesterday. We drove down to Riley's for absolutely nothing and the trip was a disaster. Quick summary: falling asleep on the way there, stop to basically mainline some caffeine (can of Red Bull, can of double-shot espresso, 24 oz Mountain Dew in under 5 minutes total), got to Indy and I got lost, drastically lost. Wrong building. Found the right building, lost in the parking garage (HOW can you get lost in a parking garage?!) Finally get into the building, can't find the office. Finally find the office (45 minutes late). They check his vitals, check his urine and tell us that he has to come back for some tests. Then they sent us off. So, I promptly get lost trying to get out of Indy. Two thirds of the way home, the caffeine/sugar overdose wears off and I crash (figuratively). By the time we got home, we were tired, frustrated, I'm nervous as hell because of the tests they're going to do on him and I have one of the worst migraines I've had in quite a while. Oh bleh!

So, today is the day of "The New York Cousins". The mother in law is more nervous than I have every seen her in my life. Apparently they are Craig's Mom's Dad's Brother's Kids and their kids. Wow - did you follow that? Anyhow the MIL has only ever met them once, when she was a kid, and she is so tense it had me doing a double-take. So anyhow, she picked up the kids and took them off to meet "The New York Cousins". I escaped that fate under the assumption that I would have the baby today (which I don't.) If the MIL is that nervous - can you imagine what I would be like? I sent instructions for Kid-4 to KEEP HIS GLASSES ON and for Kid-3 to go to the bathroom every two hours. Kid-1, Kid-2 and Kid-3 all had their meds. Now I just have to pray all will go well.

Speaking of all will go well... If I keep my arm bandaged, it gets goopy and gross. If I don't, it will either be exposed (creating MASSIVE trouble for me) or get fuzz from whatever shirt I'm wearing into the yucky spot. What am I going to do? I can't pass this off as a cooking accident. And I don't know how to explain it. I don't want "the looks" and I *really* don't want the lectures. Let them live one day in my head and then maybe I'll listen.

The fear from Wednesday has relaxed into a Scarlett O'Hara attitude. The new sheriff has her benefits. Wednesday is going to come whether I worry over it endlessly or not. And besides, as I see it, worst case scenario is he digs too deep, too fast and I check out and can't find my way home. So, um... being lost away from the stress and pain... yeah, um, this *is* bad, right? *Slaps self sharply across the face* OF COURSE it's bad!! Not allowed, not going to let it happen. Right?