Thursday, August 30, 2007

Family First, Always (Crazy Week pt1)

I was going to blog extensively about this week's total chaos but I would fill epic novel with all the non-stop goings on. So I think I'll do a series of very short summary posts....

CRAZY WEEK, part one)

Monday: The morning was hectic. Kid-3 hadn't done his homework so had to get up early to do it and was NOT amused. In the fight to get him around and ready, I didn't do a med check with the kids and, of course... Kid-1 forgot his meds. 8:05 I get a phone call: "Mommy, I forgot my meds this morning, can you bring them up to me?" And, of everyone, he can't go without his meds. Well, there were still 5 kids here, 4 of which had to be at their school by 8:30. "After I drop off the others, I'll be by." That was the GOOD part of the day....

Got a phone call from Mom, who was supposed to have left town Saturday to my aunt's house and who was apparently still home. "I can't get my stuff together!" she was freaking out. "We'll right over." And Baby and I went over to Mom's.

Turns out my aunt had gotten an extremely upsetting letter and had totally lost it. She was in complete hysterics. She was also all alone. She NEEDED my mom and she needed her right away. (My aunt lives 3 hours away.)

She we got Mom ready to go and she left to run some errands but came back within just a couple minutes. Her brakes were out, not grinding or squealing, they were "stomp as hard as you can just to stop at all" out.

To make a VERY long story short: her brake line is trashed, completely so I drove her the 3 hours to my aunt's house and then drove the 3 hours home. (3 hours may be a bit of an exaggeration - closer to 2 and a half). Because we got out so late, I got home around 2AM.

Why? Because my aunt needed my mom and family comes first, always, forever, no matter what...

I told Kid-1 that, looking into his eyes and down at his level so he would really hear me... I think it got through. I hope he remembers it and believes it - forever.

END CRAZY WEEK, part one

Murphy's Law: Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.
Jenn's addition: Anything that can't go wrong, will go wrong anyways.