Tuesday, October 9, 2007

What We Want

Random Thoughts of things I want with a conscious refusal to explain

I want to be someone's most important person.

I want to have an ability that is special, unique, above and beyond what others can do.

I want to be the one person that someone who wouldn't notice everyone notices - and likes.

I want to want to clean.

I want to write a story that changes a life.

I want to be the recipient of a hopelessly intense and moving romantic speech.

I want to be dead.

I want to be skinny.

I want to believe: in God, in me, in fate, in hope, in the ability to change and be a better person.

I want to buy all the Barbies in the toy store.

I want to ride a pony every single day.

I want to trust without getting hurt.

I want to trust smarter.

I want to sleep.

I want to not have a conscience.

I want someone to write a song about me, preferably NOT "You're So Vain"

I want someone to notice when I'm hurting even when I say I'm not.

I want to be held tight and told everything is going to be alright.

I want everything to BE alright.

I want to disappear into my head and not care what happens as a result.

I want to be perfect.

I want to be everything to everyone.

I want to run away forever.

I want to live in a toy store.

I want someone to want to take care of me.

I want to make myself feel what I tell myself to feel.

I want to play in the sprinkler.

I want to travel Europe.

I want to live at DisneyWorld.

I want to be a student forever.

I want to think of me too when deciding what's important.

I want to be a superhero.

I want someone to say all the right things without me having to tell them first what those right things are.

I want to feel safe.

I want to feel loved.

I want to be someone's Merideth, someone's Juliet, someone's Arwen, someone's Rose Tyler, someone's Princess Buttercup, someone's Lois Lane...... someone's eternal someone.

I want to be a good person.

But most of all,
I want to want only what I am supposed to want......