Tuesday, October 23, 2007

To Do List:

(in no particular order and missing many things)

- Post blog entries... lots of them *rolls eyes*

- Write song... after figured out how to make chords with purpose rather than by accident (no more monkeys typing!)

- Create talking points for drool therapy, make copies

- Sort, organize and input calendar... for everyone

- Create and organize budget... find miracle to make it work

- Edit, print and scrapbook photos... 10 years of them

- Clean house... all of it

- Get different phone... after figuring out which one to get, how to get rid of the one I have and whether or not to figure in a phone for the kids

- Figure out phone for the kids... by compiling available info on prepaid and contract plans, available phones, features and costs to use the features

- Write novel... any of the 4 in progress

- Prep for Nano... after coming up with an idea in the first place *rolls eyes*

- LEARN... everything!!!!

- Read... all 10 books in my backlog

- Find videos and info on favorite shows/books

- Drool-therapist's Bullet list

- Guardian Angel's bullet list

- oh yeah... breathe

By the way.... here's a self-portrait taken and edited a little over a year ago.

It's copyrighted or patented or whatever you do with photos so someone else can't say it's theirs. If you want to steal it, tell me you're going to, just so I know. If you have lots of money and want to steal it, cash check or money orders never refused! LOL