Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Nickels, Dimes and $500 Bills

In the midst of a financial crunch that will only get worse before it gets better, Kid-2 got a nasty cavity. We already owe The Dentist close to $1300 but as he is a friend of Hubby's family and we have been seeing him Hubby's entire life, he has kindly not sent us to collections. However, he is in a business, not a charity, and required a substantial payment on our account in order to see her. If we had gone elsewhere, we would have had to pay more and see a stranger and all kinds of other complications. So off we went to The Dentist. Three hours and $500 later... And believe me, we did not have an extra $500 to pay The Dentist. I drained the last of our savings plus an additional $250. Ouch.

Indeed, I was going through the online bank statements yesterday, trying to determine where our money is going. According to the budget I made up in my head, we should be doing just fine. But on the contrary, I have no idea how I will be able to pay both mortgages and the electric this month. So I'm looking at this and there aren't any big things coming out that aren't accounted for in my mental budget.

BUT --- there were a bazillion little charges here and there. $5 at McDonald's, $10 at the grocery, $7 dollars at another fast food place... Things of this nature. I truly didn't realize how much is actually being debited for lunches and the occasional pizza night. The other big killer is the overdraft fees. At $30 a pop, I am still grateful the items get paid but they come at a steep price and one that generates a vicious circle of fees and negative balances.

So the plan now is to tighten the budget and clamp down on debit purchases and set some limits with the kids and myself. I cannot impose them on Hubby as it will either get completely ignored or send him into a grouchy spiral and guilt-trips. But soon he will be gone and almost all of his expenses will be covered for a little while. (I think.)

The good news is that there are places to tighten our belts. This is not a hopeless cause. It may be uncomfortable, but it is not impossible. In theory at any rate...


Handsome B. Wonderful said...

Yeah we're not spending anything on things are that aren't essential and we're not going to buy presents this year for Christmas. Thankfully we don't have kids. We're even scaling back my birthday coming up.

michelle said...

Budgeting and making all of the finances jive is one of the most stressful experineces in my life. I am sure it is about to get even more challenging with the purchase our home too...here's to a winter full of being budget savvy.

Aqua said...

Hi SV,
I am an awful budgeter, but those debit transaction amounts sneak up on you. Plus you often get charged by the bank each time you use the bank card. I started taking cash out, and when I run out...I can't buy anything else...oh yeah, and I now leave my credit card at home. Good luck.