Tuesday, October 14, 2008

List of Things I'm Going to Whine About

I don't have enough time right now to complete the posts that are mulling about in my head. But I need to vent a little so I am going to do micro-posts in this one...

I Am Not A God! The things I do around here I do every single day. Each of my four kids has a minimum of 2 extra-curricular activities. I watch Baby a lot. And I have a couple of websites that I have to do daily maintenance for. It's exhausting. It's frustrating because it never ends and everything never gets done. But it is completely possible to do the things I do (not counting the things I don't do). So why is it that the last time I was in the hospital it took THREE PEOPLE just to do what I do every day? Why is it that given the same amount of time and resources as I am, a detailed list of what needs to get done and extra cooperation from the kids... neither Hubby nor Baby-Mommy could run even the morning routine? I'm not a god. So why can't they do most of the stuff I do?

Nickel and Diming: I am trying to set up a better budget. We are drowning and by my calculations, we shouldn't be. I am about to drop $500 to take Kid-2 to the dentist and I have no idea where it is going to come from. I was looking over our online bank statements and I can't believe the number of pissy little debit charges. Lunch here, quick grocery run there, hardware store, fundraiser products, haircuts..... these little charges are adding up quickly and I don't know how to reduce them without treating Hubby like a child.

Slash and Burn: The suicidal urges are so strong. But they are effectively blocked. This means they are building up like a fast river unnaturally dammed. Cutting and burning sound so reasonable. Punish the flesh for the sins of the soul. I have such violent imagery in my head the majority of the time. The only thing stopping me is the fear of what would happen if I were to be found out. Because I'm not doing things like this for attention. I'm doing them for revenge and punishment. The water is rising behind the dam. A flood is coming...

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