Thursday, October 2, 2008

Mania - How Can Good Be Bad???

Yesterday The Shrink told me that he hopes I am not going into a manic phase but that if I could maintain this mood that we could talk about me seeing him less often. (See? Told you I feel good!)

Then my family and friends started to spazz and say I was acting manic. And that sucked. But I don't care because I feel GREAT.

So last night I slept about 3 or 4 hours or so, give or take. And I was SOOOO cheerful today. By the time got to The MedShrink's office, I was jamming to the music and had that buzzy feeling in my head and I realized that I can do anything I put my mind to. ANYTHING! I couldn't wait to tell him how good everything is.

I had made up a list of what's going good and what's not going good. And Doc asked me if I'm manic and I said no. He read my list and he told me in no uncertain terms that yes, I am manic. And he listed off my list and told me that I read like the DSM-IV. I told him I am NOT manic because I don't want to be manic because I am HAPPY and want to stay that way.

He said I am manic but he's okay with that at this point. But I have to keep an eye out for "warning signs" like hallucinations, risk-taking behaviors, not sleeping at all, excessive disorganization and stuff like that. Whatever. I don't want to be manic - I just FEEL GOOD! Things are going to be okay - I know they will - and that feels good.

Baby-Mommy was on my case tonight about how every time I go manic, I end up in the hospital from an overdose and I couldn't convince her that I'm not manic - I'M HAPPY!
Why can't I just be happy? Why does everyone have to freak out when things start going RIGHT? How can feeling this good be that bad???

"I think you too, should practice some excessive happiness." -Patch Adams

1 comment:

Aqua said...

I am glad you feel good and am not too concerned if your pdoc isn't. The problem with mania though is I don't think you have insight that you are manic when you start those risk taking behaviours or spending all your money etc. Be happy, but be careful too:)