Thursday, November 1, 2007


The title of this year's NaNo novel is Joe's Diner: Baby Steps

I really want to do this. I want to write this story and I want to write it well. Okay, I'll settle for just writing it! LOL So why have I been stalling all day? I had kids this morning and the 2 hour delay and then I still have this bloody headache so I laid down on the couch for a few minutes (read hour and a half) while Baby napped. Of course then there was more Baby stuff to do and I finall sat down to write and my web browser was up and I ended up surfing for a little while. Realizing what I was doing, I kicked myself in my virtual ass and started to write. 308 words in, I went off to do more Baby stuff and find some more headache stuff. I came back to the computer and happened to notice I still had a YouTube window open. Well... I cn't resist a good YouTube window and spent another half an hour drooling over Jensen Ackles clips and wondering desparately why I can't see a person behind his acting. Who is this guy that he has his acting face on all the time? I have seen a few pictures of him that are definately a person and not an actor but rare and they are brief snapshops. WHO IS THIS GUY??!

Oh wait... I'm supposed to be writing. WWWAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!

Alright, back to the diner...

"Come on in for a cuppa Joe!" (sign in the window of Joe's Diner)