Sunday, November 18, 2007

I Want to Change the World...

Ingrid Michaelson has stolen my thoughts and put them to music. Here's the recap. Explanation to follow...

Keep Breathing:

The lyrics are spliced with my thoughts on relevancy...

Keep Breathing by Ingrid Michaelson

The storm is coming but I don't mind. I know that I am screwing things up and that bad things will come of it, but I can't seem to make myself do the right things.
People are dying, I close my blinds. Everything I do hurts the people I love but I don't do anything to change it.

All that i know is I'm breathing now. It takes everything in me to just get up and get out of bed.

I want to change the world...instead I sleep. This is so profoundly what is going on in my head - I don't know where to begin. Will expand after lyrics.
I want to believe in more than you and me. There has to be a bigger picture, right? Something worth fighting for? Something worth living for? I want to believe I can be a meaningful part of that!

But all that I know is I'm breathing. But I don't feel capable of be a meaningful part of anything.
All i can do is keep breathing. I'm surviving.
All we can do is keep breathing now. I haven't let any of my Voices stop me from breathing.

All I can do is keep breathing. Focus on the this, just to keep going. Focus on the little things so the big things don't take over.
All I can do is keep breathing. Don't give up - I can't give up
All we can do is keep breathing now. It has to get better but for RIGHT NOW at least I can keep breathing.

All we can do is keep breathing (line repeats four times) Over and over, in and out, every minute of every day, I make myself keep breathing.
All we can do is keep breathing now. If I can keeping breathing long enough, things will get better or at least change somehow.

I want to change the world. Instead, I sleep....

I made the mistake of considering the possibility that I could do good, maybe even BE good. And now I'm overwhelmed by all the ways I *should* be doing better things and am, often literally, just sleeping. I could be a better Mommy, a better wife. I could do more with my writing to encourage others to write. I could use my desire to understand people in a way that helps people. I could DO something to make my life worth the oxygen I consume... But I don't. I sleep, literally, figuratively and metaphorically.

All I can do is Keep Breathing..... now.

"Hey! You in there! What have you got that's worth living for?" (Miracle Max to the mostly dead Westly in The Princess Bride)