Saturday, June 14, 2008

Thoughts Held in Mind...

... produce after their kind.

That's one phrase I was taught in Sunday school growing up. Basically it means what you think often enough becomes your reality. It's pretty much the self-fulfilling prophecy concept, only a little larger and a little more "divine". Not only do the things you believe are true become true and the things you expect to happen do happen, but even things that you repeat to yourself over and over have a way of coming into reality.

For example...

I have often been known to joke that the light at the end of my tunnel is an oncoming train. I just meant it as a joke and a reflection of my feelings that every time it looks like things are going to get better, it turns out another disaster is on its way. But I realized the other day that this railroad job of Hubby's could be the answer to our prayers. Because of it, a lot of things are going to be better. You know... things are looking up, the future seems a little brighter.

There is a light at the end of my tunnel and guess what... it really is a train!!

1 comment:

Polar Bear said...

That's pretty funny - about the light being an oncoming train!
