Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Get Out of My Head!

I web-surf... a lot. And in the process, I stumble across some things that are really weird, bizarre, and unbelievable. On the other hand, I also find things that feel like someone has reached inside my head and pulled out my feelings to splash across the screen. (I'm picturing the silvery memory things from Harry Potter...) I was reading a book review while doing my research on grief. The book looks fascinating and I am going to see if the local library has a copy of it. It is called "Bodily Harm (The Breakthrough Healing Program for Self-Injurers)"
While I have absolutely no idea if the book is worth the paper it is printed on, one thing stood out from the review that seemed as if someone looked at my soul and out it on the screen before me...

How will you know I'm hurting
If you cannot see my pain?
To wear it on my body
Tells what words cannot explain.
- C. Blount

The audience that the "you" refers to, in my case, is myself, or at least the part of me that tries to pretend I'm not hurting. I hate it when people assume that self-harm behaviors are automatically attention seeking activities. I'm sure it's true in some cases but certainly not in others. I go out of my way to keep from getting busted after doing something like this. It's much more about making the outsides match the insides.

Not sure if I already wrote about this, but The Shrink and I had a talk about this concept. He likened me saying that to someone with anorexia and the whole body dysmorphic stuff, except mentally. He said that I see myself as evil when I'm not and that no amount of facts have been able to persuade me otherwise. I think that sounds naive, flattering, but naive. He doesn't see inside my head. So he doesn't know how I really am. And I don't know how to turn it into words. How do you describe a darkness of the soul that is counteracted enough to give the appearance of being a quasi-decent person? Despite my writing aspirations, I don't know how to make him see my ever-present Shadow.


michelle said...

Hello, I linked over from Aqua's blog and have spent quite a bit of time poking around here and we have quite a bit in common. 1. I have a shrink too :) 2) A good friend of mine used to be a self injurer (she might still be but she has moved away), 3) I compeltely enjoy reading and 4) I love learning and reading about all things psychology related! My blog has been rather bland lately for the sole reason that I am tired of everyone telling me how I should feel or to be thankful for all I have (I AM!), I am just now starting a new blog where I can be me again, and this one I am not sharing with anyone in real life. Glad to meet you.

The Silent Voices in my Mind said...

Michelle, Hi and welcome! It's great that we have so many things in common.

I love my Shrink - he's seen me through a lot and still doesn't seem to need a stiff drink before my appointments! ;-)

Dealing with a self-injurer can be very stressful. I try to keep it from people I know. It's awesome that you accepted your friend anyways.

What do you like to read? I read just about anything (except westerns) though I prefer classics (reading Poe right now) and mainstream fiction. I am re-reading a sci-fi novel by Isaac Asimov called Nightfall. It is a psychological/sociological MASTERPIECE.

I love psychology - I recently realized that my passions for reading and writing go back to this too. I want so much to go back to school for psychology. Some day...

I understand the whole people telling you how to feel thing. No one that I know in real life knows where my blog is and I monitor my hit log carefully to make sure they haven't found it. Obsessive? Prolly. But I can't possibly have them reading what I write here. I write for me and I've never had an audience...

Thanks for visiting!