Friday, June 6, 2008

I've Done It!!!

I did it! I really did it! I created a music video for YouTube like the ones I watch all the time. It's from Supernatural, of course. And, shockingly enough, for as die-hard of a DeanGirl as I am, this is from Sam's POV. The song is "Fix You" by Coldplay. The storyline is this:

Sam is determined to save Dean from his deal and when he can't save him, he falls apart. Unable to cope without him, he takes drastic measures to get him back. But Dean doesn't come back the same and the path Sam took to get him back has no turning back...

So, yeah, I turn them both into demons at the end, but that isn't what I think is going to happen next season. We already know that Dean will be back but not until he's spent 6 months top-side time in Hell (which is MUCH longer in Hell). He's going to be all PTSD and Sam may or may not have gone a touch dark side. Now, Kripke is all about Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey and all about Star Wars parallels. He's also said that he is aiming for a 5-year story arc. So based on that, my guess is the boys are going get pretty close to the Dark Side. They are going to have to make a conscious choice NOT to go there. They need to become Masters of Both Worlds and to do that, they have to become competent in each. At least, that's my guess. Only time will tell...

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