Thursday, January 31, 2008

Writing (Though Poorly)

I stopped plotting and replotting. I stopped tweaking my maps and going over character sketches. I stopped obsessing over the Hero's Journey and the Marshall Plan and the Snowflake Method. And... I just wrote. I typed up some existing handwritten stuff and went with it from there. Now mind you, it sucks and I am fully aware that it sucks. But it feels so good to be writing again. Getting lost in that zone is better than drugs could ever be.

Writing, for me, isn't about whether or not other people like my work. I write for me. I write because I have to get the stories out of my head. I write because it puts me on fire. I write because it feels good. Sometimes it helps me work through things. Sometimes it's a little break from reality where I can play with things that could never be. Sometimes it's a way of putting a message or a moral out onto paper.

The whole point is that I forgot that. I forgot who I write for and why I write. I got stuck in the trap of not wanting to write unless I could write the best of something. I had to have the plot right and the words right and the world set up perfectly. Everything had to fall into place not because *I* wanted it to be right but because it's what was expected from me by other people.

I'm no Stephen King. I will most likely never be published. And I'm good with that. I just need to keep my eye on the *real* goal... writing for the right reasons, my reasons. If I can do that, the writing will take care of itself.