Saturday, September 29, 2007

I am thinking happy thoughts

I'm thinking of sunshine and butterflies, not shadows and spiders. I'm thinking BFFs and gal pals, not long lost friends and ones that never were. I'm thinking how lucky I am to have such wonderful children, not about the damage a mother like me could be causing them. I am thinking about how much my husband loves me, not about how unhappy he is. I am thinking about what a great thing it is to be alive, not about how not to be. I am thinking of all the things I do right, not about all the things I do wrong. I am thinking about how free I am to live my life, not how few viable choices I actually have. I am thinking of Derek Shepard not Ellis Grey. I am thinking of being happy, safe and whole, not how to alter that.

I am thinking happy thoughts. Really.
