Saturday, June 27, 2009

Goodbye Baby!

Uber-Bitch came by this morning with her daughter so that the kids could say goodbye. Originally she said in her email that she would rather not see me, but in discussions with family and friends, I decided to say fuck her and come out to see her anyways. And I'm so glad I did. I got a couple of great pictures of her with Kid-2, Kid-3 and Kid-4. (Kid-1 couldn't/wouldn't wake up to come out - late night at the cast party plus his normal strength night meds...) She ran up and down the front porch, squealing in delight at every little thing until she got transfixed by a group of teeny tiny ants. Then she had to tell everybody to come and look at the ants, repeatedly. She was adorable!

They had only been there about 5 minutes when Uber-Bitch called her daughter and told her it was time to go. (I love how on her blog she makes it sound like her leaving so quickly was our decision. LOL) We all gave her hugs. I held her close and she laid her head on my shoulder. I told her that I love her so very very much. I told her I would miss her so much. I told her to be brave and be strong and to be good for her mommy. And I let her go. She hugged Hubby and returned to her mother. They disappeared between the cars and that was the last I saw of her. Most likely, I will never see her in person again. By the time she is old enough to make that decision, I would guess Uber-Bitch will have moved back to Florida.

And it hurts. It hurts that Uber-Bitch is the way she is and that she would let things come to this. I worry that Baby will never know what it means to have a family. I worry about her having to spend 50 hours a week in daycare while her mother takes the time to hang out at Starbucks. I worry about Uber-Bitch's preference to simply feed her and put her bed any time she behaves in any way other than sweet and accommodating. I pray that she is strong enough to withstand her mother's nature to treat her like a toy to be played with when she wants to and ignored when she doesn't. Hopefully the daycare will be able to give her a rock to cling to since her mother is completely incapable of doing so. And I pray that I will hear from Baby again some day, despite her delusional mother.

Goodbye, Libby! We will miss you more than you know.
Goodbye, Charity! I won't miss the Uber-Bitch that you have become.

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