I am working on changing psychiatrists. To that end, I have scheduled an appointment for a "second opinion" with the Kids' Shrink. When I did, he gave me this huge list of symptoms to fill out. There are a bazillion statements and I was supposed to put a + by the ones that apply to me, cross out the ones that don't apply to me, put a ++ by the ones that describe me perfectly and make any comments I felt appropriate. It took me close to three hours to complete the questionnaire. It occurred to me that this questionnaire provides a detailed look at where I am at psychologically; it's a snapshot in time. I think it might be helpful for me to look at these things as I try to create my road map for becoming more emotionally healthy. (Not to mention just plain fascinating to read and dissect!) I'm going to put it up here so I don't lose it.
WARNING: THIS IS REALLY REALLY REALLY long and I don't expect anyone to read the whole thing. I just want a record of it and I think I can learn a lot about myself at this moment in time from it.
Here are my responses exactly how I put them down:
+ I feel sad.
I cry easily.
Not in front of others but often when I am alone+ I lack energy
+ I feel slowed down.
++I feel guilty like I have done something wrong
+ I feel hopeless about the future
++I think a lot about death and dying
Life is not worth living
Mine isn't but my kids' is+ I feel emotionally numb
---------> the one above this and below this I put a bracket to tie them together with the comment
I swing between these+ I am very emotional
I feel irritable and short-tempered no more often than anyone else My temper gets out of control almost never+ My mood changes for no reason
doesn't everyone's? I have mood swings without reason+ I get upset easily
Sometimes I feel more happy than normal Sometimes I feel on top of the world+ I worry too much
+ I'm afraid of leaving home
I do anyways I am afraid of being alone with 8 people in this house, I barely remember "alone" I am afraid of sleeping alone
no more or less than anything else+ I have panic attacks
+ Sometimes I feel so scared as if I will go crazy or die
Sometimes I feel so scared as if I am having a heart attack
I have learned these aren't heart attacks+ My heart beats too fast
during panic attacks++I am afraid of things/places/situations that most people handle fine
++I am very shy
++I am afraid to speak in front of strangers
++I am very self-conscious
I talk too much I talk very little My thoughts do not make sense
they make sense to me! I stutter My speech is odd and unusualThought Content:
++I think I am worthless
++I feel inferior to others
I think I am important and special
(I used four lines to cross this one out) I think that people are watching me+ I think that people are talking about me
I do not easily trust others
complicated to explain this one. i give everyone the benefit of the doubt on their own behalves but still assume they think ill of me and/or mean me harm I think this world is full of trickery++People just do not understand me
++I think a lot about my past abuse and bad memories
+ I hear voices that other people don't hear
+ I see things that other people don't see
++I think bad thoughts
+ I cannot get bad thoughts out of my mind
I worry about getting a serious illness+ I have many aches and pain
I have many things wrong with the body define "many"? I think my face does not look right++I think I am ugly
+ I think about being overweight a lot
define "a lot"?+ Things feel unreal
I feel unreal, as if I am in a dream
not all the time++I lose periods of time of which I have no memory
++I feel unsure of myself
+ I have no clear plans for the future
I do the same activities over and over again only because we have scheduled activities I have my routines and rituals only what it takes to keep a household of 8 running I fidget a lot+
I am unable to sit quietlyi have to be doing something+ I am often on the go
see comment about having 8 people in the household I am impatient no more than anyone else
I have trouble waiting for turns I interrupt others++I get into other people's business
I love fighting (I used four lines to cross this out) I HATE IT! I bully others+ I am cruel to people
I don't mean to be but I still end up hurting their feelings! :-( I am cruel to animals I destroy property in anger I have been in trouble with the law I steal I lie a lot (I used two lines to cross this out) I break rules a lot++I keep making the same mistakes again and again
I do not like people telling me what to do++I just cannot make decisions
Tics and Obsessions:
I make noises I have muscle twitches I miss school more than average N/A+ I miss work a lot
on SSDI so, definition, yes I check things over and over I wash my hands over and over+ I count over and over
as an anxiety coping device I hoard things I find it hard to throw things away
Focus and Persistence and Learning:
++I find it hard to stick to things
+ I find it hard to be a self-starter
++I make careless mistakes
+ I have a hard time focusing on boring things
I don't listen when spoken to++I leave tasks and chores incomplete
++I start many things and leave them incomplete
++I have a hard time getting organized
++I lose things
+ I get easily distracted by my surroundings
+ I am forgetful
+ I am unable to stay awake and alert
more than average but not currently to the point of being incapacitated+ I have a hard time focusing
I am accident prone I am clumsy+ I am not well coordinated
I have problems learning in school I am unable to read well I am unable to write well I have problems dealing with MathRelations and Adaptation:
+ I cut myself
+ I used to cut myself but
not any more this is the goal! :-)+ I burn myself
also past tense I have a hard time getting along with my family members I have a hard time getting along with others at school N/A I have a hard time getting along with others at workN/A? I am very self-absorbed
probably? maybe? I don't know... I am unable to have fun with other people
people make me very nervous. if I can get past that, I am able to have fun I am unable to connect emotionally with others I blame others for my mistakes I hold grudges only against myself I argue with others I hate being bossed around I do not like people in authority I do not like to be told what to do? I manipulate others to get my way
I am not sensitive to the needs of others I am jealous/envious of people better off than me no more than anyone else++I am very upset by criticism. I feel attacked
People find me too controlling People annoy me a lot I like taking care of details I like things done just right+ It is hard for me to find help in the community
mostly because I have trouble asking for it I do not feel close to other people I often ignore bathing/showering/my personal appearance
define "often"? when my depression is at its worst, I don't care enough or have enough energy to do anything about itEating and Sleeping:
I do not enjoy eating these days+ I eat more than I should
Sometimes I eat a lot of food in one sitting
"a lot" as in too much, not as in binging I make myself throw I sometimes take several laxative pills close together++I feel too fat
I use laxitaves daily I sometimes eat things others do not consider food I have lost weight
I did for a while - almost 25 lbs+ I have gained weight
Over my life, my weight has gone up and down a lot++I have a hard time getting to sleep
++I wake up a lot during the night
+ I wake up tired and unrefreshed
+ I feel fatigued during the days
+ I feel sleepy during the day
+ I have nightmares
I do not need much sleep I walk at night and do not remember it the next day I talk at night and do not remember it the next day I eat at night and do not remember it the next day I drive at night and do not remember it the next day I wet the bed at night I soil the clothesSubstance Abuse and Additions:
I smoke cigarettes
I used to smoke cigarettes but do not anymore
I chew tobacco
I used to chew tobacco but do not anymore
I used to drink to excess but not anymore
+ I sometimes feel guilty about my drinking
I have felt that I need to cut down my drinking
I get annoyed by people telling me that I need to cut down my drinking no one tells me that Sometimes I need a drink of alcohol to get around in the morning
I smoke marijuana
I used to smoke marijuana but I do not any more
I use cocaine/meth/crank
I used cocaine/meth/crank but I do not any more
I abuse other drugs or prescriptions
I have abused other drugs or prescriptions in the past but I do not any more
I have problems with withdrawal from drugs or alcohol
I have had problems with withdrawal from drugs or alcohol in the past
I huff gas/markers
I used to use gas/markers but do not any moreSex: (you would not believe how hard it was for me to type this section! *sigh*)
+ My sexual desire is less than normal
My sexual desire is more than normal+ I have difficulty in achieving orgasm
(guy question i'm not going to type)
I engage in sexual behavior that many people see as abnormalPrimary Work/School/Social Performance:
+ I enjoy my work (or school) when I am well
I enjoy my work (or school) these days I perform well at my work (or school) when I am well I perform well at my work (or school) these days+ I am unable to attend work (or school)
++I am on long term disability
I have many friendsChildhood
I was physically abused as a child+ I was sexually abused as a child I was emotionally abused as a child
currently under debate My basic needs were not met as a child I saw a lot of fighting in my home as a child
only fights involving me but define "a lot"++I could never do well enough for my
parentsmother growing up
+ I was loved as a child
+ I had a hard time growing up
+ I ran away from home
but I was returned home by the cops a few hours later