Saturday, September 27, 2008


Whining Alert: stop reading now if you don't want to listen to me complain and whine for no apparent reason whatsoever...

I have a headache. No - that's an understatement. I have a hell-ache. It started as a tension headache. It woke me up about 4:07 this morning. I ignored it and tried to go back to sleep.

When I got up at 7:30 to wake Kid-2 up for bowling, it was both a tension headache AND a migraine. The left side of my head throbbed viciously - that damned dwarf with the hammer was banging on my head. And the tension headache at the base of my skull ached so loudly that I couldn't hear myself think. So I took my new migraine med, Treximet, and a muscle relaxer, Flexeril, and went back to bed.

By 9:00 I was convinced I was going to die and wholeheartedly wished I would, just to make the pain stop. I tried to wake up Hubby but he was totally gone asleep. So I lay there and willed myself to die.

By 10:30, I realized this was not going to go away. So I got up again, looking for an ice-pack for my forehead and a heating pad for my head/neck. Couldn't find a heating pad, though I found a suitable ice-pack. I heated up my rice sock hot enough that I couldn't hold it, took more Treximet and some ibuprofen, fought with the kids a bit and went back to bed.

About 11:30, Hubby got up. He checked on me and I refused to get up. I asked him to find the heating pad and he couldn't either. Much later, he came to check on me again. Ever the sweetheart, he agreed to go to the store for me (which I had intended to do today) to grab milk, juice and pop - and he brought me back a heating pad.

I went back to bed, still wishing I could cut off my head, but armed with the heating pad and a fresh round of ibuprofen. Come 7 o'clock, I decided I'd best get up and make an appearance.

So here I am, up and downstairs. I made nice-nice with everyone, ate a little and, while my head felt a little better when I got up, it doesn't now. So I'm going back to bed. I would scream and cry and throw a temper-tantrum that I hurt and I'm tired and cranky and have a bad attitude. I would, except that would make my head hurt worse.

Okay, rant over. Good night!


Aqua said...

Hi SV,
I just left a message, but it disappeared into web hell somewhere. Hope it doesn't all of a sudden repeat. Anyways:

What I said was: You are allowed to rant it's your blog. Also, anyone with a migraine deserves to rant. They are brutal. I hope when you wake it is gone.

The Silent Voices in my Mind said...

Poof! Migraine gone... Tension headaches still getting me something fierce but I go tomorrow to a physical therapist and see if she can do anything helpful...

Thanks for the well-wishes!