Monday, April 14, 2008

Taking a Moment to Laugh

Okay, I'm tired of being depressed. It sucks. And Mondays suck plenty without being depressed on top of it. So here are a list of things that amuse me, places I turn when I need a laugh, and things that are so stupid that I can't help but laugh...

My Favorite YouTube clip to make me laugh:
Not Yet Dead

A few others that I really like:
I Want a REAL Winchester Hug
Dean's Therapy Session
Sam's Therapy Session
The Great Winchester Debate


I lost my train of thought here. Things got chaotic and by the time I got back to the computer, all of my happy thoughts had flown away. I will try to remember more of them and update this later....

The only thing I remember from before I left off was the shirt I saw that sparked the whole thing. It read:

You cry...
I cry.
You laugh...
I laugh.
You fall off a cliff...
I laugh even harder.

It struck me funny and I started to giggle and couldn't stop. It was good to laugh again.

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