Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Okay, I don't rock the entire world... but my world was rocked today. I got back my essay question #2 for Honors Ethics this morning. The prof (whom I absolutely adore!) was willing to preview our responses to let us know what modifications needed to be made before the final due date this Friday night. I got the maximum points with no comments. He told us that means it's perfect as is. YAY ME!

I also got the results back from my sociology exam that I took last week. Bear in mind that I was taking Vicoden at the max dose I could take and still be safe to drive and I had the stomach flu. I thought I missed 3 - 5 questions. Figuring them at 1 point each, I was hoping for a 97%. Except they are worth 2 points each. I got a 96%. Neither of the 2 questions I missed were any of the ones I thought I got wrong. One I missed because I was absent the day she gave the information. (I got notes from a classmate but he took astonishingly few notes and I didn't get that piece of info. Note to self: prisoners cannot take college courses using tax money. Duh me! lol) The other one I missed because of the wording of the answers provided. I spoke to the prof after class and I had the concept correct; I just didn't connect the concept with the key phrase in the correct response.

So I got a 96% on the test. Which is an A. But, just to sweeten my victory, that 96% is before she adds 4% to our score. That's her idea of a curve. Not sure if it was based on my 96% (which just so happened to be the highest grade in the class! TEE HEE!) or if that is her standard addition. Either way, it means I ended up with 100% on the test. HURRAY!!

Needless to say, (I hate that phrase - if it really is needless to say it, why am I saying it?!?!?!) I am feeling very confident about my grades and, by extension, my ability to succeed. It is somewhat lessened by the absolutely HORRIFIC test yesterday in critical thinking but that detraction is softened by the knowledge that I did everything in my power to study for the test and everyone I spoke to did horribly as did everyone they spoke to. (Thus the reason we are putting into motion something to protest the quality of the teaching, but that is another, much longer, story.)

Bottom line: I AM SO PROUD OF MYSELF!!

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