Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Random Thoughts

My laptop's hard rive is toast. And clever me: I haven't done a backup in forever, like since December or before. I am so frustrated with myself! Okay, I'm not frustrated, I'm pissed. For goodness sake! I know better...

Uber-Bitch's daughter is sick. Despite myself, I am worried about her. She has the stomach flu and while I cannot believe that Uber-Bitch took her to emergency room for the stomach flu, I still wish I could be there to give her hugs and tell her it's going to be okay. And believe it or not, I feel bad for Uber-Bitch herself. She has never handled vomit well and gets so stressed out when her daughter is sick. I wish I could be there to tell her that everything will be okay, to give her a break to get some sleep and a shower and food.

I got into the Honors Ethics class I was trying for. That puts me up to 10 credit hours in 4 classes including 1 honors course. It also puts my out-of-pocket costs up close to $700 which royally bites. This had better get sorted out by spring term or I am going to be royally screwed. Unlike some people, I'm not going to take out limitless student loans with a Scarlet O'Hara attitude. We have a hard enough time living within our means without adding on that. I am incredibly blessed that Daddy is going to cover this semester as a "birthday present" - he says if I had stayed in school 15 years ago, he would have owed a lot more than this. I think it is obvious that he is pleased that I am returning to school.

In therapy this morning, The Shrink and I tried to work out how to handle Kid-1's tantrums. I think it is significant that since Uber-Bitch left, we haven't had a single problem with him refusing to take his meds. And in the past week, now that he is back on the extended release mood stabilizer, we haven't had a single tantrum from him. Perhaps I just haven't pissed him off yet or perhaps he just needed the little bit of extra stability. Or perhaps making him walk the 2.5 miles home last week put things in perspective for him. Time will tell, I suppose.

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